Tea Time with magicalgirlme: The Starry-Eyed Dreamy Lolita

Dear MagicalGirlMe,

"...How do you find your personal style?
I'm new to the fashion and I like
How do I narrow this down..?"

The Starry-Eyed Dreamy Lolita

This question is a tough one! The best way to find what matches you is to wear it.

That doesn't sound like an honest answer, but this doesn't necessarily mean you have to wear each piece physically! Apps like Canva or Photoshop are excellent for creating coordinates digitally. With tools like Instagram and Pinterest, you can save lolita coordinates you like in one place. Take some time to visualize yourself wearing these looks, and when your pieces arrive, note what you want and dislike about them. Just trying something new may surprise you!

An instructor once gave me some invaluable advice: to keep your fandom and personal growth separate. It's good to have coordinates, fashion magazines, and follow Lolitas that inspire you but keep them from defining you. After all, you are your unique person! You bring your style and experience to this fashion. Compete against yourself and who you were yesterday, not the models in your favorite magazines. Everyone needs to start somewhere!

This fashion is about self-expression, so finding yourself may take experience. Your wardrobe may change as you evolve, and that's OK! You don't need to have your style defined so rigidly. Wear your country piece in the summer when berry picking, your Gothic dress for a bit of festive spook, and your "sickly sweet" prints for days you're crave desserts. Items will come and go, but the pieces you treasure will stay.


Lolita Accessories for Short and Natural Hair